Saturday, November 6, 2010

Young Marriage

I have recently found out that a girl I know is planning on getting married in June. This girl is a senior in high school and her fiance is a junior in high school. They have only been together for a year. There is no way that they could possibly be ready for something like marriage. One of the biggest signs of not being ready to get married is:

If you can't give a girl a ring when you ask her to marry you, chances are you are NOT ready to get married!

I think everyone should follow this rule but especially if you are planning on getting married very young. If you dont have money to spend on a ring, how will you make house, apartment, car, insurance, etc. payments every month? What about food and clothing? Before you get married you need to take these things into consideration. I wish young people would take a step back and say "Is this really a good idea?", maybe it would be at a different time. I am not saying that you shouldn't get married, if you are financially stable at these young ages then go for it. My boyfriend is a sophomore in college and I am a senior in high school/freshmen in college, even though we have been together for two years now we know that now is not a good time to get married.

When you are young, things like marriage can seem tremendously exciting but take a step back and think about it. Is it really a good time?

Comment if you agree or disagree, and would like to share your opinion.

Monday, April 12, 2010


To touch up on the teen pregnancy topic, I would like to talk about abortion. If you did not pick up on it after ready my teen pregnancy post, I am completely against abortion. It is not an option that should ever be considered by anyone and that is why it never came up in my other post. It is bad enough that adults (who should already have their heads on straight in the first place) can jump to the idea of killing an innocent life that never got a chance to live. But it absolutely kills me to think that teens can accept the idea of becoming pregnant just to have sex and then as soon as they find out they are pregnant head straight for abortion. If you are responsible enough to have sex you should be responsible enough to have and care for a child. The two go hand in hand whether you like it or not. If you can not do it, do not have sex! Even if you can not care for a child than adoption is most definitely an option! There are plenty of people not able to reproduce and would love a baby. So, don't consider abortion, consider adoption but only if that is a better option than you raising your own child. Be responsible for your choices and choose wisely.

Abortion is the killing of an unborn life. In what way is that different than murder? The truth is that it is no different than murder, in fact they are exactly the same!

Comment if you agree or disagree, and would like to share your opinion.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Don't grow up too fast

It's something you have probably heard a million times. "Don't grow up too fast", every adult says it and every child hears it. It is said so often because it is so true! Everyone, especially teenage girls wish they were older. They would all be happy with being just one year older, until you get to that age and you want to be another year older. It continues, over and over again but only until you get close to 30, then you start to realize you are getting older and life is much closer to its end. At that point you stop wanting to be older and wish you could be young again. So, why wish your childhood away? Live it up, while you still can!

I do realize that I am only seventeen but I have already wished most of my childhood away. My entire life I have been a step ahead of everyone else. I have always found a way to get done with things quicker than they would normally take. I don't regret any of it but that is just how I have always been. My ultimate goal in life has always been to get married and have kids, I want to be an amazing wife and mother. I do strongly encourage you to have a good time living your childhood to its fullest. That may make me somewhat of a hypocrite when it comes to this topic but I really feel that you should find a way to be happy in every stage of your life, not just the one you have always been waiting for. So, Live it up, that's all I have left to say.

Comment if you agree or disagree, and would like to share your opinion.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Teen Pregnancy

Okay, to an extent I get it, things happen. I have known and do know many teenage girls who have become pregnant, or have been pregnant. It is becoming so common that MTV has even made a show out of it, many movies have been made, and other shows on abc family. Why are so many teenage girls getting pregnant? I think it is different for most girls but here are some possible reasons. Maybe they are trying to get pregnant, it is their way of "trapping" a guy (which often doesn't work), a need for attention, failure to use protection or use it properly, rape, or even not fully understanding sexual activity and its consequences before participating in it. Sex should be saved for your one true love, but that is a topic for another time.

If you choose to have sex you are accepting the reality of possibly becoming pregnant. If you choose this possible life changing event as your future, then I would only hope that it is with someone that you are either seriously going to spend the rest of your life with or someone you are willing to put up with for the rest of your life, or even spend the rest of your life with out and raise a child all by yourself. If your looking for the facts, this is a great site with lots of information , copy and paste this into the URL. So, for every teenager out there get married and have kids when your ready at an appropriate time in your life. Don't have sex with someone your not 90% sure you will be with for the rest of your life. Don't have sex if your not ready to accept the responsibility of having a baby. It is as simple as that.

Comment if you agree or disagree, and would like to share your opinion.

Friday, April 9, 2010


What is love? Most teenagers think they know and some teenagers do know. It is absolutely possible to achieve love as a teenager. The problem is that most teenagers don't know how to use the word "Love" and have not yet come to understand what it truly means. Many young people in new relationships and people who are in their first relationships throw around the words


(possibly the most powerful three words ever spoken in any language) as if it is something as simple as saying hello. But the truth of the matter is that it is not something as simple as hello, it is so much more than that. Love is about passion and emotion. It is a mental and physical (not always meaning sexual) connection between two people. It is the feeling of having everything, when you may not have anything. It is the reality of spending your entire life with that person and never getting tired of them. It is the knowing and practice of being able to get through any and all of the life obstacles that you may face individually and together. Falling in love as a teenager is possible. But telling someone that you love them at the start of a relationship or before you even really know them is completely unrealistic. So, my advice to everyone is get to know people before you claim to be in love with them. One of the most cliche things I have ever heard in my life is " when you know, you know" or "you will know if they are the one", but its true. Be mature about it and don't annoy people around you with the fake I love you stuff.

I am seventeen and very much in love myself! Not once did either of us say I love you before we really knew. We will get married soon enough and live together forever. "Happily ever after"

Comment if you agree or disagree, and would like to share your opinion.